Jaynel Jones
3 min readNov 11, 2020


Since the moment we are born, people that we come into contact with leave some type of thumbprint on our life. Some people have spoken life while others have placed labels that subconsciously haunt us right now today. It’s time to reveal and remove those labels so you can begin walking in the fullness of your calling in life.

How to Remove the Labels Others Have Placed on You

First and foremost, we have to admit that labels actually exist. Sure, we can continue navigating through life as though things are okay or silently suffering. But the truth of the matter is we all have subconscious beliefs, limiting beliefs, and negative beliefs that we actually believe about ourselves. Deep down these are the records we hear playing and ultimately is what dictates our daily actions.

Here are three key ways to remove these labels and begin rewriting your story.

Figure out the labels used to define who you are.

I mention this one first because it’s a big, yet necessary, step. It’s also one that you may spend your lifetime rinsing and repeating as you grow and evolve into who you’re meant to be. The key is to identify the label so you can then determine the truth or falsehood of that definition. Once you’re honest about that label, you can begin to experience freedom from the side effect of how it makes you feel.

Tap into your essential self.

This can be worked on simultaneously with the last suggestion. Initially, your essential self is attached to the set of qualities at your core. It deals with the style of clothing you wear, how you walk, talk, even eat. Your essential self shouldn’t be defined by labels at all because it is who you truly are from the inside out. What typically happens is this part of you is covered by the labels.

Rewrite your labels.

Now it’s time to take out the pen and paper. Similar to the first suggestion, you will need to rewrite your labels based on truths about yourself. If you’ve always referred to yourself as nervous, hesitant, or just plain ol’ scare — rewrite that lie to speak a truth that says I am confident. For every lie you have identified about yourself, replace it with a simple, short sentence truth. Put these in a place you can see them so you can begin reprogramming your mind with life.

As you work through these three practical tips you’ll begin to shed the labels others have placed on you and start walking in true freedom. Yes, it will take practice. It will take consistency. And moreso, it will take you actually believing it. Coming to terms with the realization that you need this cleanse is only half the battle. The rest of the fight comes with purposing your mind and heart to believe a new story. Then, my friend, it will be time to walk in your new truths. Confidently. Boldly. Because you are worth it! You go girl!!

