Jaynel Jones
3 min readAug 4, 2021

If you are a believer in God, then you know why it is imperative to have Him in the center of your business. It is part of our calling as Christian women in business to honor God with our businesses. This often causes us to step out on faith because the world doesn’t necessarily use godly principles for starting and growing a business. This is why it’s important to already remember why we need to keep God the center of all we do.

3 Reasons Why God Must be the Center of Your Business

Your plans, purposes, and goals will be much clearer.

Scripture says God knows the plans He has for us. He also directs our paths, gives us a purpose, hope, and a future. These biblical principles alone help us to see that whatever we plan, pursue, and aim to accomplish in life must be in alignment with His Word and His will for our lives.

As Christian women in business, we much understand that we are vessels for Him and our primary focus is to serve others. Although this will look different depending on what you were specifically called to do, it will all have the same end result. We will have touched the lives we were meant to touch and further the kingdom in the way designed for us to do so.

God will keep you in alignment.

The world does a great job of presenting bright and shiny things that can easily get you off track. In most cases, it only takes one small compromise before you find yourself off track and having to get back on. Scripture tells us to not look to the right or to the left… it also prompts us to not do more or less than the word of God. These biblical principles can be used in Christian businesses to help keep us in alignment with our soulful business.

Your business will prosper.

God loves to bless His children. When we aim to please and glorify Him with all we say and do — including in our businesses — He will bless it. Although we may experience a variety of hardships, those aren’t necessarily indicators that we’re doing something wrong. Make sure you understand the difference between blessings and testing. Sometimes we are put in difficult places to help grow us to the next level. You’re probably already familiar with and have had your fair share of seasons where everything seemed to be going right and others when it seemed nothing is going right.

Final Thoughts

No matter what, take every choice and decision in your business to the Father. Stay in a place of prayer and meditation to ensure you are hearing from Him. I also recommend journaling. This helps you to see what you’ve encountered, overcome, the goals you’ve set, reached, and so on. Overall, keeping God the center of your business and you can never go wrong. Even if the world shows and tells you something different, stand firm in what God says! I’m rooting for you!

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